Monday, September 22, 2008

X Model - cut off 45% of Cactus Model

The image above shows that the volume of X model is 41345.90,
which nearly the 55% of the volume of cactus model.

This model is created basing on the concept of "exploder placing in container"
which its porosity is lower during the explosion in exp1.

As I mentioned before, according to the result of exp1,
the fractional pieces of the container exploder was popping up first, then explode.

Therefore, the exterior of this X model is unbroken,
and I only cut off the void in the center part, mainly focus on the top.
I use the irrectgular shapes to sketch the void,
that is because the exploded fractional pieces are irrectgular,
I want to create the scene of "explosion"

Here are some images of the X model that I rendered in 3Ds Max.

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